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What I learned about candles

Hi guys !

If you're like me, you are candle obsessed. I light them everyday, especially at night. I turn on Bravo, light my favorite Bath & Body Works candle, spray some lavender mist, and get ready for bed. It's a whole vibe.

But a couple of months ago my sister suggested that I research some of the health risks of candles. I was reluctant to look into it because I LOVE them so much and didn't want to have to give them up. However, about a week ago I decided to finally do some digging. Here's what I found:

Paraffin wax seems to be the biggest culprit on the candle ingredient list. If you inhale paraffin wax it can be very harmful to your respiratory tract, possibly releasing carcinogenic soot. Unless your house is extremely well ventilated while your candles are burning (ex: windows are open), it is likely that you will breathe in the chemicals that your candles emit. A 2009 study found that, "burning paraffin wax produced carcinogenic emissions of benzene and toluene." I'm not sure what those chemicals are but they don't sound like something you would want to ingest.

Other candle culprits are parabens (chemical preservatives), phthalates (can disrupt normal hormonal processes), and allergens. Lead wicks, which were banned in 2001, are another dangerous component of candles as trace amounts of lead could be ingested. Another thing I noticed as I researched non-toxic candles, is how little candle companies have to legally disclose to consumers when compared to the beauty and skincare industries. I spent 30 minutes on the Bath & Body Works website before I could find a thorough list of ingredients for my Champagne Toast candle. Many candle companies get away with using "soy wax blend" as an ingredient which really means that the candle is made from paraffin wax as well as soy wax. It leaves the consumer in a position to have to do all of the work, which is frustrating.

If you're feeling sad about having to give up candles forever, I HAVE GOOD NEWS ! There are plenty of amazing, non-toxic candle companies out there for you to choose from. When choosing a safe candle, here's what to look for:

- candles made out of beeswax, soy wax, or coconut wax (avoiding paraffin wax)

-wicks made out of 100% cotton (avoid metal)

-free of parabens, phthalates, fragrance allergens

Here are some great non-toxic candles that you can feel good about lighting:


If there are any other non-toxic candle brands you guys love, send them my way ! Ultimately I decided to switch to using non-toxic candles because I use them so often and it just seemed like the safer and healthier option to me personally. However, if you have different opinions on the candle topic that's fine too! I know there is evidence and articles out there that deems all of this inconclusive. I feel better airing on the side of caution especially when there are so many options for non-toxic candles and wanted to share what I recently learned in case it interested any other candle lovers out there ! The next time you pick up a candle, turn it upside down and give the ingredients a quick read.

Thank you so much for reading !





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