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my daily vitamins & probiotics

Hi again!

For this week's blog post I wanted to give you a run down of the vitamins, supplements, and probiotics I take everyday. There is one company in particular that I'm super excited to talk about, but to be honest I felt awkward talking about it on Instagram. However it has seriously been life changing for me so I couldn't just withhold this info from you guys ! I thought I would jot it down in a blog post for those of you who are interested ! I know you're probably confused so let's get into it lol.

For the past five years or so I've been dealing with frequent UTI's. If you have ever had a UTI before you know how miserable and uncomfortable they are. I would get a UTI about four times a year which is just four times too many. I googled, I spoke to my gynecologist, but it seemed no one could give me an answer as to why I was so prone to them. One day (about six months ago) I stumbled across Uqora in a targeted Instagram ad and I haven't gotten a single UTI since. NOT ONE ! That's huge.

If you are someone who suffers from UTI's, Uqora is a life saver. Uqora makes vegan, science-backed probiotics aimed at improving women's urinary tract health. When you go onto their website, you can take a quick quiz and it will tell you which products would work best for you. You can schedule the probiotics to ship to you on a regular basis (that's what I do) and if you aren't ready for them yet you can easily push them out as long as you want. Here are the details:

-Uqora CONTROL. I take 2 of these every night. They cleanse your biofilm. Biofilms are a collective of micro-organisms that stick to eachother and other surfaces. Think: dental plaque. Gross I know. The control probiotic cleanses your biofilm and prevents bacteria from growing.

-Uqora PROMOTE. I take 1 of these every night. They balance your vaginal microbiome. Microbiome is your good bacteria and you have it everywhere. For example, the microbiome, or good bacteria, on your skin is very important to keep balanced. If you over cleanse your face and strip it of its good bacteria, you will most likely experience breakouts and acne. The good bacteria keeps your skin healthy and in check. The same goes for vaginal health. The promote probiotics balance out your microbiome levels to keep your urinary tract health in check.

**P.S. Uquora also sells Target which is a pink lemonade flavored powder that you mix with water and drink. It flushes out your system and is great to use on a regular basis. You can drink it as much or as little as you'd like but I drink it about once a week. It tastes so good- just like pink lemonade.

-Vitamin D. It's so important to keep your Vitamin D levels up to boost your immune system and promote bone health. I buy my Vitamin D from Trader Joe's and take 1 pill every night, which is 1000 IU.

-Wellbel. Wellbel is a hair, skin, and nails supplement that's backed by science and promotes collagen, keratin, and elastin formulation. I started taking them about a week ago after reading some of their amazing reviews. I take 3 supplements every night and am hoping that it'll make my hair a little thicker and fuller. It's too soon to tell if they're working but as always, I will keep you guys updated !

And that's a list of all of the probiotics and supplements I take on a daily basis ! I hope it was helpful and informative; and if you're like me and suffer from UTI's I can't recommend Uqora enough. As always if you have any questions just shoot me a DM on Instagram!

Thanks for reading.





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