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Everything You Need To Know About The Dyson Hair Dryer

I have been using Dyson's Supersonic Dryer for a few months now and I am absolutely in love. I was hesitant to use it at first because honestly how life changing could a hair dryer be?! Answer: VERY.

My mom purchased the blow dryer first and insisted that I try it out. Finally, I did and it was love at first sight. She got me one for myself and it's been one of my favorite beauty tools since.

So, here's the 4-1-1 on the Dyson Supersonic Dryer: what it does, how it works, and why you need it.

(P.S. This is in no way sponsored, so I'll give you the honest pros and cons)

1. Price

The Dyson Supersonic Dryer costs $399, so there's no denying that it's expensive and many people won't feel comfortable spending that on a hair tool. In my opinion, I think it's worth the exorbitant price tag (I swear I'm not crazy) because it has transformed the way my hair looks and feels, has cut down my drying time, and will last me for years. I also use it every two days like clockwork so I get a lot of use out if it. Here's what you get for $400:

The dryer comes in a fancy looking, leather box that makes it easy to store. You will also receive a non-slip mat, three different nozzles, and a storage hanger. I use the non-slip mat everytime I blow out my hair and it does a great job of keeping the dryer in place when I have to set it down for a second. I also use the smoothing nozzle each time (that's my personal favorite).

2. What It Does

Okay, let's talk about why it's so great. First off, the blow dryer is a lot less noisy than most other blowdryers which I appreciate. It also measures the air temperature 20 times every second so it's much safer for your hair in that it protects it from extreme heat and won't fry it. Some other blow dryers are so loud and powerful which may seem great but it actually can damage your hair and lead to broken ends, frizz, and loss of shine.

Each attachment is also magnetic. This may sound like something small but I find it SO efficient. Do youu know when an attachment comes off but it's 100 degrees so it's too hot to touch and you're forced to either burn your fingers or wait for it to cool? Say goodbye to that dilemma. If an attachment comes off it quickly reattaches magnetically so you can do it hands-free. The attachments also stay much cooler compared to other dryers.

3. Drying Time

The Dyson Dryer speeds up drying time and makes the process so much faster. A few of you wanted to know which dryer I used before for reference. I used to use the TwinTurbo 3800. I loved it because it was loud and powerful but I now realize that the smoke surrounding my hair and extreme heat was getting the job done quickly, but in the long run was harming my hair. It used to take me 25 minutes to blow dry my hair. With the Dyson, it takes about 15. If I let my hair air dry for awhile first, I can probably get it done in 10 minutes. It's just as powerful and effective, but not as loud or aggressive and much more gentle.

4. Weight

It's much lighter than other dryers I've used in the past as well. If your arm gets tired from the back and forth motion of drying your hair, this could be ideal for you.

Also, someone asked me if the different color dryers mean anything. They're all the same! The different colors are only for aesthetic purposes and you can just base it off personal preference. I have the white and pink dryer, but the black and purple is pretty cool.

5. Biggest Changes I Notice

Using the Dyson, I noticed that I spend less time drying my hair, the blow dryer is more gentle on my hair but just as efficient if not more so, my hair feels softer and smoother, and looks shinier. Overall, my hair feels and looks healthier and I couldn't be happier with the dryer.

Fun fact: It's so gentle that my Labrador Retriever is terrified of blow dryers but after we give him a bath he lets my dry him with the Dyson because the sound it makes is not as loud! lol

If you're considering buying the Dyson Supersonic Dryer or asking for it as a Christmas gift, I definitely think it's a great investment. The downside of it is definitely the price tag so if you'd like some other great dryer options, here's a Blow Dryer Guide that will give you alternative dryers within a great range of prices.

I hope this helped give you some more insight into the Dyson dryer and aids you in making your decision!

If you aren't already, follow me on Instagram @insidecarolinecloset!


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